Today, more and more consumers want to use sustainable products. In cosmetics, many companies are proposing natural and organic products but is this change better for our health and our planet? How can we pick products that work with our values?
In this article we will dive into two big concepts: Natural cosmetics and Organic cosmetics. People often use these words interchangeably to categorize Sustainable Beauty products but how can we really define them?
What are natural beauty products?
When we think of natural beauty products, we often think of raw ingredients. In France, for a product to be considered a “natural”, there is only one requirement: to have one natural component. There is no regulation provided for natural beauty products.
What are Organic beauty products?
Organic beauty products are products that fall under certain regulation. They are often certified with the “bio label”. This label has requirements. Such as :
- Products made from raw ingredients mostly organic farming.
- Products made without chemical ingredients.
- Products that are eco-friendly.
Both categories of products fall under the scope of nontoxic cosmetics or clean beauty. Nontoxic cosmetics are not defined legally. TSince the is no legal definition of nontoxic and clean cosmetics, we must all be aware of greenwashing.
What is greenwashing?
Greenwashing is when corporations advertise themselves as selling natural and eco-friendly products without reducing their environmental impact. Greenwashing is not illegal, but it is dishonest as it plays on the consumers desire to do better for the planet. This marketing ploy is the reason why as consumers we must be more vigilant.
Here are some tips on how to avoid falling victim to greenwashing:
- Make sure the products have an organic label.
These are some of the labels used in Europe: Cosmébio, Eco, Cosmos cosmebio, Cosmos natural, BDIH, Natrue.
- Verify the ingredient list also called INCI list.
Here are some apps which can help you check the ingredient list: Yuka, QuelCosmetic, Clean Beauty.
- Do some research on the company you buy from.
Check how they are supplied in raw ingredients: who are their partners? What are the brands environmental and social impact? Are their activities in line with their marketed values?
So, when buying natural or organic beauty products, we must be careful of greenwashing. Also, keep following Cacao as we will be sharing with you our favorite clean products from the African diaspora.
Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels